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Faculty & Staff

Brian Jinks

Upper School Choral and Musical Theater Director

Brian is the Upper School Choral and Musical Theater Director at Valley School. He also teaches music appreciation, brass, guitar, ukulele, percussion ensemble, and digital music production classes. Brian is a firm believer that anyone and everyone who adopts a growth mindset can learn to sing and play an instrument. Outside of Valley School, Brian serves as the Music Director at Covenant Presbyterian Church. His favorite hobbies include participating in musical theater productions, camping, cycling, playing soccer, volleyball, and tennis, and spending time with his lovely wife Melissa, and children Oliver, Henry, Simon, and Margot. 

Valley School of Ligonier

Address: 153 Lupine Lane, Rector PA 15677
Mail: PO Box 616 Ligonier, PA 15658
Phone: (724) 238-6652  Fax: (724) 238-6838
In an environment that is safe, challenging, nurturing, and disciplined, Valley School provides a balanced and strong program of study for a diverse group of children. Our goal is to stimulate in each young person lifelong habits of moral behavior, seeking wisdom, and doing good works for others.
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