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Faculty & Staff

Patty Shebeck

“I work with the Lower School children, mostly Kindergarteners. I love their infectious energy and eagerness to learn. If a student says they can’t do something, I like to say to them, “You can’t do it, yet!” and then work with them through the challenge until they accomplish their goal.”
Classroom Aide
Director of Extended Day Program


For 16 years, Patty Shebeck has been proud to be part of the Valley School family. As a Lower School Aide working closely with the classroom teachers to create a unique and successful learning environment, Patty has demonstrated a love for both learning and educating. Her passion lies in teaching lower elementary school children—especially reading instruction.
Patty earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education from Waynesburg University and has been involved in the classroom ever since. As a former Valley School mom of two, Patty has embraced many school traditions. Watching her daughter, Megan, and son, Matthew, graduate from Valley School was a highlight. In addition to being in the classroom, Patty is the Director of the Extended Day Program and often leads a SOAR Camp class during the summer. 
In her free time, Patty enjoys long walks outside, spending time with family—especially her grandson, Kaysen—and tutoring students in her home. She loves ice cream, chocolate, warm fuzzy blankets, and laughs with friends.

Valley School of Ligonier

Address: 153 Lupine Lane, Rector PA 15677
Mail: PO Box 616 Ligonier, PA 15658
Phone: (724) 238-6652  Fax: (724) 238-6838
In an environment that is safe, challenging, nurturing, and disciplined, Valley School provides a balanced and strong program of study for a diverse group of children. Our goal is to stimulate in each young person lifelong habits of moral behavior, seeking wisdom, and doing good works for others.
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