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Valley Fund

The Opportunity to Support Yearly Needs of the School You Love

Valley Fund was created to give you the opportunity to support the yearly needs of the school you love. Donations to Valley Fund are unrestricted, which means they support our school’s mission by providing resources for students and faculty that are not covered by tuition alone. Each year, the generosity of Valley School parents, trustees, alumni, grandparents, faculty, staff, and friends allows us to create exceptional opportunities and experiences for our students.

Valley Fund is the heart of our annual fundraising efforts. When you donate to Valley Fund, 100% of your gift goes to work for the current school year, supplying what our school needs most. Every gift of every size makes a difference. Valley School is grateful your support. 

In previous school years, Valley Fund helped to support the following initiatives

List of 4 items.

  • Field Trips

    • 6th-graders visiting Chincoteague Bay Station to study marine biology
    • 7th-graders experiencing our nation’s capital, Washington, D.C.
    • 8th-graders’ culminating excursion to Costa Rica, full of international adventure and group bonding time.
  • Professional Development

    for faculty to establish new experiential learning programs
  • Classroom Supplies

  • Health & Safety Measures

    for our students, faculty, and staff

Join the Club

Ongoing support of Valley Fund is a powerful way to express your commitment to Valley School’s mission. The following clubs were established to publicly recognize those donors who consistently give and/or have increased their gift year over year.

List of 3 items.

  • The Laurel Mountain Society

    was established to acknowledge the generosity of donors who give $1000 or more to Valley Fund each year.
  • 10% Club Members

    Our 10% Club members have increased their Valley Fund gift by 10% or more over their giving of the previous year.
  • Consecutive Years Club

    members have contributed to Valley Fund for at least three consecutive years.

Frequently Asked Questions

List of 4 frequently asked questions.

  • What is Valley Fund?

    Gifts to Valley Fund provide unrestricted funds that have an immediate impact on this school year, supporting academics, the arts, athletics, technology, and faculty/staff professional development.
  • Why is annual giving so important?

    Making an annual gift every year is a statement to foundations, corporations, and other community partners that signal you believe in Valley School’s mission and the unique educational experience the school provides.
  • I already pay tuition, why am I being asked to contribute?

    Tuition alone does not cover the costs of the Valley School experience. Your gift to Valley Fund means that we do not have to compromise on the many wonderful opportunities we offer our students because of a lack of resources.
  • How much should I give?

    Our annual fund campaign has two goals; a financial goal and a participation goal. Each year, a number of generous leadership gifts ($1000+) help us reach our financial goal. Our hope is that every family in the community will help us reach the participation goal–with a gift of $25, $100, $500 or anywhere in between–every gift makes an impact.

Valley School of Ligonier

Address: 153 Lupine Lane, Rector PA 15677
Mail: PO Box 616 Ligonier, PA 15658
Phone: (724) 238-6652  Fax: (724) 238-6838
In an environment that is safe, challenging, nurturing, and disciplined, Valley School provides a balanced and strong program of study for a diverse group of children. Our goal is to stimulate in each young person lifelong habits of moral behavior, seeking wisdom, and doing good works for others.
© Valley School of Ligonier. All Rights Reserved.