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Why Valley School?

Why choose Valley School?

Choosing the right school for your child is one of the most important decisions that you will make as a parent. There are many choices—public, private, and independent options abound—and the best choice varies based on the needs of each child and family. However, the environment created within an independent school like Valley School of Ligonier enables children to reach their full potential and blossom into confident young adults who think critically and are contributors to their community.

Top 10 Reasons to Choose Valley School:

List of 10 items.

  • #1: Flexibility

    Independent schools are just that–independent. Without curriculum, textbook and testing mandates, Valley School has the freedom to create educational experiences that meet the needs of each individual student.
  • #2: Culture of Academic Excellence

    High academic standards create a culture of academic excellence, encouraging a growth mindset in all students. At Valley School we nurture curiosity, promote critical thinking, and instill a lifelong love of learning in our students.
  • #3: Our Mission & Values

    Our educational practices align with our mission and Valley Core Values, which means that our graduates become young adults who cultivate wellness, seek wisdom, embrace integrity and build community. Through meaningful conversations, experiential learning, and developmentally appropriate activities, our students come to understand the meaning of each of our Core Values, and are empowered to put them into practice in their own lives.
  • #4: Low Student-to-Teacher Ratio

    Small classes sizes promote close connections between teachers and students. With one teacher for every six students, our low student-to-teacher ratio allows for high student engagement, participation and individualized attention, which boost student performance and create a strong support network for any challenges that may arise.
  • #5: Faculty Expertise

    Valley School’s faculty teach in their areas of expertise, and have the flexibility to adapt their classrooms to the learning styles, interests, and motivations of their students. Passionate and talented, our faculty have an average tenure of 12 years.
  • #6: Our Curriculum

    Our broad spiraled curriculum emphasizes traditional subjects like mathematics, English/language arts, and social studies, but also includes hands-on science, Spanish, technology, art, music, and sports. While other schools have reduced or eliminated these programs, Valley School has dedicated additional resources to them by adding faculty and renovating our science, technology, and fine arts spaces.
  • #7: Small, Close-Knit Community

    Our small, close-knit community enables students to form deep connections, fostering friendships that last long after graduation. Offerings like our Bigs & Littles program and mixed-age dining and recess foster friendships across grade levels.
  • #8: Whole-Child Education

    While a strong academic foundation is essential for future success, we move beyond academics to educate the whole child. Through avenues like our social-emotional learning curriculum and advisory program, we create opportunities for physical, emotional, social, and creative growth. Embracing the whole child ensures that our students are healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and challenged.
  • #9: Family Partnership

    At Valley School, you’ll join a community of parents who are actively invested in their child’s education. Our faculty and staff want and value partnership with families, and we work to promote communication among students, families, and teachers to ensure we actively work together toward the same goals.
  • #10: Education Outdoors

    Research shows that spending time outdoors improves concentration and focus, promotes creativity and imagination, and builds confidence. Our students benefit from a campus of 400 pristine, wooded acres with spaces for playing and learning. In addition to several recesses per day, many teachers take children outside for classes that use our natural environment as a space to explore, experiment, investigate, and be inspired.

Would you like to know more?

Valley School of Ligonier

Address: 153 Lupine Lane, Rector PA 15677
Mail: PO Box 616 Ligonier, PA 15658
Phone: (724) 238-6652  Fax: (724) 238-6838
In an environment that is safe, challenging, nurturing, and disciplined, Valley School provides a balanced and strong program of study for a diverse group of children. Our goal is to stimulate in each young person lifelong habits of moral behavior, seeking wisdom, and doing good works for others.
© Valley School of Ligonier. All Rights Reserved.